Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My exercise: talking

Some professors are too busy to exercise even though EVERYONE knows that exercise is mandatory to stay healthy. I notice this SMART pediatric professor using presenting lectures as an exercise.

NO, she did not run up and down stairs. NO, she did not do squats in that tiny podium. NO, she did not do sit-ups on the large table at the front of the room. She did however present ONE WHOLE PowerPoint SLIDE with just ONE breath...

In the Water World, she would have no trouble finding a job!!

ps. we were impressed with her lung capacity; material-wise, we were less impressed.

"No, I don't drink"


As a healthcare professional student, I now hear more of "No, I don't drink!" To elaborate, "No, I don't drink sugary soft drink. More wine, please!"

Leaves almost kill...

The gravity pulled fallen leaves downward towards earth. Gusty wind came out of nowhere, and forced me to blink. One leaf changed its direction, and flew towards my eyes. Luckily, my blinking saved my eye.

I looked at the leaf, now lifeless on the pavement. It might have changed my life...thanks to the wind.