Saturday, April 30, 2011

Anonymous female swimmer

Just came back from the swimming pool at the school gym. When I arrived at the pool, I picked an empty lane. A minute later, a female swimmer came into my lane, and we shared the lane together. She could have picked other lanes to share with other swimmers, but she picked mine.

I was happy because she seemed pretty. My aged swimming goggle has LOW resolution. So we began at about the same time. Pretty soon, I realized she's in far better condition than I was. In other words, she was like a dolphin while I was still a terrestrial human. I finally struggled to finish my 20-minute swim (a near life-and-death struggle) while she seemed to have just warmed up and continued adding up laps after laps.

I concluded that she picked my lane, and NOT other lanes which were all occupied by WOMEN because she figured I might be a worthy competitor (being a guy, who naturally produces more testosterone), and that I could possibly push her towards a new height.


(she is pretty, right?)

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