Thursday, January 26, 2017

Post 7-9pm shift

Luckily, the day starts at 3:15pm :)

  • Dispensed a BUTRANS (buprenorphine) patch pack, weekly dose
  • NEED to learn about SYNCING up medications of a patient 
  • Why do AZITHROMYCIN / AMOXICILLIN need a loading dose while others need not??
  • Also, AUGMENTIN suspension expired in 10-days
  • CEFDINIR suspension is room temp storage
  • FLUOCINONIDE gel to replace UREA cream for a small bump on the skin of the arm
    • Long term side effect of steroid topical?
  • What is TRANDOLAPRIL?? It is ACE inhibitor, approved in 1996, indicated for hypertension, heart failure, or post-MI heart failure or LV dysfunction
    • Triumeq is a combination of three drugs: Tivicay (dolutegravir), Ziagen (abacavir) and Epivir (lamivudine).
    • Administration
      • with or without food

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