Monday, April 18, 2011

Blogging before therapeutics lecture!

Time of blogging? Does it matter? Why is it worth noting that this blog entry comes the night before a therapeutics lecture? As a student pharmacist, therapeutics series is the MOST IMPORTANT life-and-death type of classes for us. If we do well, life will be rosy. Otherwise, you can come up with your own antonym for rosy. I have one for you, "bleak."

Sacrificing time to study and re-study just to post a blog about a topic that NO ONE (even my mom; though to be fair, her native language isn't English) is interested in? WHY???

My philosophy about having this blog is that I want to share with I learn as a student pharmacist. In addition, you will see that what I learn in school can be sometimes useful in your life. You never know!

Yea!!! Now I get to study my therapeutics - this quarter we're studying cardiovascular know, hypertension, dyslipidemia (disruption in the amount of lipids in our blood), and diabetes.

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