Friday, February 24, 2017

Not-my-day kind of day *** to be cont ***

NOTE: first, I overlooked a gabapentin 3 caps daily rx (should have been 1 cap three times daily), and there were 60-tabs of Norco 10mg missing :( I was distracted, and despondent all day...Well, life goes on, and I need to take some notes, and keep this a habit! You'll get there! Believe, and faith!!

    • Indication
      • PostHERPETIC neuralgia
        • Dose
          • 300mg QD x 1 day → 300mg BID x 1 day →  300mg TID x 1 day, then dose can be titrated as needed for pain relief up to 1,800mg
    • NOTE: first time counseling, what should I say??
  • Oral Contraceptive counseling
    • Estrogen + Progesterone 
    • Progesterone only
  • Emergency Contraceptive
  • Pulmicort  

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