Thursday, February 2, 2017

Random thoughts on meds

Today was a good day, thinking that I only have to work 2 more days before my weekend :)

Let's go:

  • What are the typical doses for ZENATANE (isotretinoin)?
    • Available in 10, 20, 30, 40mg 
    • Weight base dose:
      • Adult 
        • Manufactured: 0.5-1mg/kg/day in 2 divided dose x 15-20 weeks
        • Alternative: 0.5mg/kg/day in 2 divided dose x 1 month ⟹ then ↑ 1mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses as tolerated until a cumulative dose of 120-150mg/kg
      • Pediatric
        • Manufactured: 0.5-1mg/kg/day in 2 divided dose x 1-20 weeks
        • Alternative: 0.5mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses x 1 month ⟹ ↑ 1mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses as tolerated until a cumulative dose of 120-150mg/kg
    • Monitoring:
      • CBC with differential and platelet count
      • Pregnancy test
      • Lipids
      • Liver function test
    • Adverse reactions:
      • ↑ serum triglycerides
    • Warnings/precautions:
      • Many many many...
  • ZOMIG (zolmitriptan)
    • Dose
      • Nasal (available 2.5, 5mg)
        • 2.5-5mg (may repeat in 2 hours; daily MAX = 10mg)
      • Oral (available 2.5, 5mg PO & ODT)
        • PO: 1.25-5mg (may repeat in 2 hours; daily MAX = 10mg)
        • PO ODT: 2.5-5mg (may repeat in 2 hours; daily MAX = 10mg) 
  • KETOCONAZOLE topical
    • Indications
      • Cutaneous candidiasis
      • Dandruff
      • Seborrheic dermatitis
      • Tinea corporis (general skin fungal infection), tinea crusis (jock itch), tinea pedis (athlete's foot)
    • Protect from light
    • How about feet? Still protect from light?
  • FELBAMATE (anticonvulsant; available - suspension (600mg/5ml), tablets (400, 600mg)
    • What is this??? 
    • Dosing
      • Inital = 1,200mg/day in 3-4 times daily (MAX = 3,600mg/day)
    • Side effects
      • Drowsy, dizzy, fatigue
    • Microsize (Grifulvin V; available - not anymore)
      • 500mg/day in single or divided doses
    • Ultramicrosize (GRIS-PEG; available - 125, 250, 500mg)  
      • 375mg/day in single or divided doses
  • SENSIPAR (cinacalcet; available = 30, 60, 90mg)
    • Indications - hyperparathyrodism 
    • Dosing
      • 30mg BID upto 90mg 3-4 times daily as necessary to normalize calcium levels
    • Adverse reactions
      • parasthesia (tingling sensation)

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